Portrait |
Name |
Unit |
Date of action |
Place of action
Henry Addison |
04343rd Regiment of Foot |
1859-01-022 January 1859 |
Kurrereah, India
Frederick Aikman |
0044th Bengal Native Infantry |
1858-03-011 March 1858 |
Amethi, India
Robert Aitken |
01313th Bengal Native Infantry |
1857-06-3030 June 1857 to 22 November 1857[10] |
Lucknow, India
Charles Anderson |
0022nd Dragoon Guards |
1858-10-088 October 1858 |
Sundeela Oudh, India
Augustus Anson |
08484th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2828 September 1857, 16 November 1857 |
Bolandshahr, India Lucknow, India
Charles Baker |
Bengal Military Police Battalion |
1858-09-2727 September 1858 |
Suhejnee, Near Peroo, India
Valentine Bambrick |
06060th Rifles |
1858-05-066 May 1858 |
Bareilly, India
William Bankes |
0077th Queen's Own Hussars |
1858-03-1919 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
James Blair |
0022nd Bombay Light Cavalry |
1857-08-1212 August 1857, 23 October 1857 |
Neemuch, India Jeerum, India
Robert Blair |
0022nd Dragoon Guards |
1857-09-2828 September 1857 |
Bolandshahr, India
Andrew Bogle |
07878th Regiment of Foot |
1857-07-2929 July 1857 |
Oonao, India
Abraham Boulger |
08484th Regiment of Foot |
1857-07-1212 July 1857 to 25 September 1857[11] |
Lucknow, India
William Bradshaw |
09090th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2626 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Joseph Brennan |
Royal Regiment of Artillery |
1858-04-033 April 1858 |
Jhansi, India
Francis Brown |
0011st Bengal European Fusiliers |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Narnoul, India
Sam Browne |
04646th Bengal Native Infantry |
1858-08-3131 August 1858 |
Seerporah, India
John Buckley |
Commissariat Department |
1857-05-1111 May 1857 |
Delhi, India
Thomas Butler |
0011st Bengal European Fusiliers |
1858-03-099 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
James Byrne |
08686th Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-033 April 1858 |
Jhansi, India
Thomas Cadell |
0022nd Bengal European Fusiliers |
1857-06-1212 June 1857 |
Delhi, India
William Cafe |
05656th Bengal Native Infantry |
1858-04-1515 April 1858 |
Fort Ruhya, India
Aylmer Cameron |
07272nd Regiment of Foot |
1858-03-3030 March 1858 |
Kotah, India
Patrick Carlin |
01313th Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-066 April 1858 |
Azumgurh, India
James Champion |
0088th King's Royal Irish Hussars |
1858-09-088 September 1858 |
Beejapore, India
George Chicken |
Naval BrigadeNaval Brigade |
1858-09-2727 September 1858 |
Suhejnee, Near Peroo, India
Herbert Clogstoun |
01919th Madras Native Infantry |
1859-01-1515 January 1859 |
Chichumbah, India
Hugh Cochrane |
08686th Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-011 April 1858 |
Jhansi, India
William Connolly |
Bengal Horse ArtilleryBengal Horse Artillery |
1857-07-077 July 1857 |
Jhelum, India
Walter Cook |
04242nd Regiment of Foot |
1859-01-1515 January 1859 |
Maylah Ghat, India
Cornelius Coughlan |
07575th Regiment of Foot |
1857-06-088 June 1857 |
Delhi, India
Joseph Crowe |
07878th Regiment of Foot |
1857-08-1212 August 1857 |
Boursekee Chowkee, India
William Cubitt |
01313th Bengal Native Infantry |
1857-06-3030 June 1857 |
Chinhut, India
John Daunt |
01111th Bengal Native Infantry |
1857-10-022 October 1857 |
Ghota Behar, India
James Davis |
04242nd Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-1515 April 1858 |
Fort Ruhya, India
Denis Dempsey |
01010th Regiment of Foot |
1857-08-1212 August 1857, 14 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
Bernard Diamond |
Bengal Horse ArtilleryBengal Horse Artillery |
1857-09-2828 September 1857 |
Bolandshahr, India
John Divane |
06060th Rifles |
1857-09-1010 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
Patrick Donohoe |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1857-09-2828 September 1857 |
Bolandshahr, India
William Dowling |
03232nd Regiment of Foot |
1857-07-044 July 1857, 27 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Thomas Duffy |
0011st Madras European Fusiliers |
1857-09-0626 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
John Dunlay |
09393rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Denis Dynon |
05353rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-10-022 October 1857 |
Ghota Behar, India
Francis Farquharson |
04242nd Regiment of Foot |
1858-03-099 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
Alfred Ffrench |
05353rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Richard Fitzgerald |
Bengal Horse ArtilleryBengal Horse Artillery |
1857-09-2828 September 1857 |
Bolandshahr, India
Thomas Flinn |
06464th Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-2828 November 1857 |
Cawnpore, India
George Forrest |
Bengal Veterans Establishment |
1857-05-1111 May 1857 |
Delhi, India
Charles Fraser |
0077th Queen's Own Hussars |
1858-12-3131 December 1858 |
River Raptee, India
John Freeman |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1857-10-1010 October 1857 |
Agra, India
William Gardner |
04242nd Regiment of Foot |
1858-05-055 May 1858 |
Bareilly, India
Stephen Garvin |
06060th Rifles |
1857-06-2323 June 1857 |
Delhi, India
Peter Gill |
Loodiana Regiment |
1857-06-044 June 1857 |
Benares, India
William Goat |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1858-03-066 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
Charles Goodfellow |
Bombay Engineers |
1859-10-066 October 1859 |
Kathiawar, India
Henry Gore-Browne |
03232nd Regiment of Foot |
1857-08-2121 August 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Charles Gough |
0055th Bengal European Cavalry |
1857-08-1515 August 1857, 18 August 1857, 27 January 1858, 3 February 1858[12] |
Khurkowdah, India Not known Shumshabad, India Meangunge, India
Hugh Gough |
0011st Bengal European Light Cavalry |
1857-11-1212 November 1857, 25 February 1858 |
Alumbagh, India Jellalabad, India
Patrick Graham |
09090th Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1717 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Peter Grant |
09393rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Robert Grant |
0055th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2424 September 1857 |
Alumbagh, India
Patrick Green |
07575th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-1111 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
John Guise |
09090th Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Thomas Hackett |
02323rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1818 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
William Hall |
Naval BrigadeNaval Brigade |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Thomas Hancock |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1857-06-1919 June 1857 |
Delhi, India
Hastings Harington |
Bengal Horse ArtilleryBengal Horse Artillery |
1857-11-1414 November 1857 to 22 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
John Harrison |
Naval BrigadeNaval Brigade |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Henry Hartigan |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1857-06-088 June 1857 10 October 1857[13] |
Delhi, India Agra, India
Henry Havelock-Allan |
01010th Regiment of Foot |
1857-07-1616 July 1857 |
Cawnpore, India
David Hawkes |
RifleRifle Brigade |
1858-03-1111 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
Robert Hawthorne |
05252nd Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-1414 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
Alfred Heathcote |
06060th Rifles |
1857-06-00June to September 1857[14] |
Delhi, India
Clement Heneage |
0088th King's Royal Irish Hussars |
1858-06-1717 June 1858 |
Gwalior, India
Samuel Hill |
09090th Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
James Hills |
Bengal Horse ArtilleryBengal Horse Artillery |
1857-07-099 July 1857 |
Delhi, India
George Hollis |
0088th King's Royal Irish Hussars |
1858-06-1717 June 1858 |
Gwalior, India
James Hollowell |
07878th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-1626 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Joel Holmes |
08484th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2525 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Anthony Home |
09090th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2626 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Duncan Home |
Bengal Sappers and Miners |
1857-09-1414 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
James Innes |
Bengal Sappers and Miners |
1858-02-2323 February 1858 |
Sultanpore, India
Charles Irwin |
05353rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Hanson Jarrett |
02626th Bengal Native Infantry |
1858-10-1414 October 1858 |
Baroun, India
Joseph Jee |
07878th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2525 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Edward Jennings |
Bengal Horse ArtilleryBengal Horse Artillery |
1857-11-1414 November 1857 to 22 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Henry Jerome |
08686th Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-033 April 1858 |
Jhansi, India
Alfred Jones |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1857-06-088 June 1857 |
Delhi, India
Thomas Kavanagh |
Bengal Civil Service |
1857-11-099 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Richard Keatinge |
Bombay ArtilleryBombay Artillery |
1858-03-1717 March 1858 |
Chundairee, India
Robert Kells |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1857-09-2828 September 1857 |
Bolandshahr, India
James Kenny |
05353rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
William Kerr |
02424th Bombay Native Infantry |
1857-07-1010 July 1857 |
Kolapore, India
John Kirk |
01010th Regiment of Foot |
1857-06-044 June 1857 |
Benares, India
George Lambert |
08484th Regiment of Foot |
1857-07-2929 June 1857, 16 August 1857, 25 September 1857[11] |
Oonao, India Bithoor, India Lucknow, India
Thomas Laughnan |
Bengal Horse ArtilleryBengal Horse Artillery |
1857-11-1414 November 1857 to 22 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Samuel Lawrence |
03232nd Regiment of Foot |
1857-07-077 July 1857, 26 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
James Leith |
01414th Light Dragoons |
1858-04-011 April 1858 |
Betwa, India
Harry Lyster |
07272nd Bengal Native Infantry |
1858-05-2323 May 1858 |
Calpee, India
David MacKay |
09393rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Herbert Macpherson |
07878th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2525 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Patrick Mahoney |
0011st Madras European Fusiliers |
1857-09-2121 September 1857 |
Mungulwar, India
Ross Mangles |
Bengal Civil Service |
1857-07-3030 July 1857 |
Arrah, India
Francis Maude |
Royal Regiment of Artillery |
1857-09-2525 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Arthur Mayo |
Naval BrigadeNaval Brigade |
1857-11-2222 November 1857 |
Dacca, India
William McBean |
09393rd Regiment of Foot |
1858-03-1111 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
William McDonell |
Bengal Civil Service |
1857-07-3030 July 1857 |
Arrah, India
John McGovern |
0011st Bengal European Fusiliers |
1857-06-2323 June 1857 |
Delhi, India
James McGuire |
0011st Bengal European Fusiliers |
1857-09-1414 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
Patrick McHale |
0055th Regiment of Foot |
1857-10-022 October 1857, 22 December 1857[13] |
Lucknow, India
Hugh McInnes |
Bengal Artillery |
1857-11-1414 November 1857 to 22 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Peter McManus |
0055th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2626 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Valentine McMaster |
07878th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2525 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Stewart McPherson |
07878th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2626 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Bernard McQuirt |
09595th Regiment of Foot |
1858-01-066 January 1858 |
Rowa, India
Duncan Millar |
04242nd Regiment of Foot |
1859-01-1515 January 1859 |
Maylah Ghat, India
James Miller |
Bengal Ordnance Depot |
1857-10-2828 October 1857 |
Agra, India
Thomas Monaghan |
0022nd Dragoon Guards |
1858-10-088 October 1858 |
Jamo, India
George Monger |
02323rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1818 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Samuel Morley |
Military TrainMilitary Train |
1858-04-1515 April 1858 |
Azumgurh, India
James Munro |
09393rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Michael Murphy |
Military TrainMilitary Train |
1858-04-1515 April 1858 |
Azumgurh, India
Patrick Mylott |
08484th Regiment of Foot |
1857-07-1212 July 1857 to 25 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
William Napier |
01313th Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-066 April 1858 |
Azumgurh, India
William Nash |
Rifle BrigadeRifle Brigade |
1858-03-1111 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
Robert Newell |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1858-03-1919 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
William Olpherts |
Bengal Artillery |
1857-09-2525 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
William Oxenham |
03232nd Regiment of Foot |
1857-06-3030 June 1857 |
Lucknow, India
James Park |
Bengal Artillery |
1857-11-1414 November 1857 to 22 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
John Paton |
09393rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
James Pearson |
08686th Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-033 April 1858 |
Jhansi, India
John Pearson |
0088th King's Royal Irish Hussars |
1858-06-1717 June 1858 |
Gwalior, India
Everard Phillipps |
01111th Bengal Native Infantry |
1857-05-3030 May 1857 to 18 September 1857[15] |
Delhi, India
Harry Prendergast |
Madras Engineers |
1857-11-2121 November 1857 |
Mundisore, India
Dighton Probyn |
0022nd Punjab Cavalry |
185-00-001857 to 1858[16] |
Agra, India
John Purcell |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1857-06-1919 June 1857 |
Delhi, India
Charles Pye |
05353rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1717 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
William Raynor |
Bengal Veterans Establishment |
1857-05-1111 May 1857 |
Delhi, India
Herbert Reade |
06161st Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-1414 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
William Rennie |
09090th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2121 September 1857, 25 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
George Renny |
Bengal Horse Artillery |
1857-09-1616 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
George Richardson |
03434th Regiment of Foot |
1859-04-2727 April 1859 |
Kewane Trans-Gogra, India
Frederick Roberts |
Bengal Horse Artillery |
1858-01-022 January 1858 |
Khodagunge, India
James Roberts |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1857-09-2828 September 1857 |
Bolandshahr, India
Edward Robinson |
Naval Brigade |
1858-03-1313 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
Patrick Roddy |
Bengal Army |
1858-09-2727 September 1858 |
Kuthirga, India
George Rodgers |
07171st Regiment of Foot |
1858-06-1616 June 1858 |
Marar, India
Matthew Rosamund |
03737th Bengal Native Infantry |
1857-06-044 June 1857 |
Benares, India
David Rushe |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1858-03-1919 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
John Ryan |
0011st Madras European Fusiliers |
1857-09-2626 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Miles Ryan |
0011st Bengal European Fusiliers |
1857-09-1414 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
Philip Salkeld |
Bengal Sappers and Miners |
1857-09-1414 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
Nowell Salmon |
Naval Brigade |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Same Shaw |
Rifle Brigade |
1858-06-1313 June 1858 |
Lucknow, India
Robert Shebbeare |
06060th Bengal Native Infantry |
1857-09-1414 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
John Simpson |
04242nd Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-1515 April 1858 |
Fort Ruhya, India
John Sinnott |
08484th Regiment of Foot |
1857-10-066 October 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Michael Sleavon |
Corps ofCorps of Royal Engineers |
1858-04-033 April 1858 |
Jhansi, India
Henry Smith |
05252nd Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-1414 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
John Smith |
0011st Madras European Fusiliers |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
John Smith |
Bengal Sappers and Miners |
1857-09-1414 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
David Spence |
0099th Queen's Royal Lancers |
1858-01-1717 January 1858 |
Shumsabad, India
Edward Spence |
04242nd Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-1515 April 1858[15] |
Fort Ruhya, India
William Stewart |
09393rd Regiment of Foot |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
William Sutton |
06060th Rifles |
1857-08-022 August 1857 to 13 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
Edward Thackeray |
Bengal Sappers and Miners |
1857-09-1616 September 1857 |
Delhi, India
Jacob Thomas |
Bengal Artillery |
1857-09-2727 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Alexander Thompson |
04242nd Regiment of Foot |
1858-04-1515 April 1858 |
Fort Ruhya, India
William Thompson |
06060th Rifles |
1857-07-099 July 1857 |
Delhi, India[17]
Henry Tombs |
Bengal Horse Artillery |
1857-07-099 July 1857 |
Delhi, India
James Travers |
0022nd Bengal Native Infantry |
1857-07-00July 1857[18] |
Indore, India
Samuel Turner |
06060th Rifles |
1857-06-1919 June 1857 |
Delhi, India
John Tytler |
06666th Bengal Native Infantry |
1858-02-1010 February 1858 |
Choorpoorah, India
Richard Wadeson |
07575th Regiment of Foot |
1857-07-1717 July 1857 |
Delhi, India
George Waller |
06060th Rifles |
1857-09-1414 September 1857, 18 September 1857[14] |
Delhi, India
William Waller |
02525th Bombay Light Infantry |
1858-06-2020 June 1858 |
Gwalior, India
Henry Ward |
07878th Regiment of Foot |
1857-09-2525 September 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Joseph Ward |
0088th King's Royal Irish Hussars |
1858-06-1717 June 1858 |
Gwalior, India
John Watson |
0011st Punjab Cavalry |
1857-11-1414 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India
Frederick Whirlpool |
0033rd Bombay European Regiment |
1858-04-033 April 1858, 2 May 1858[19] |
Jhansi, India Lohari,[20] India
Henry Wilmot |
Rifle Brigade |
1858-03-1111 March 1858 |
Lucknow, India
Evelyn Wood |
01717th Lancers |
1858-10-1919 October 1858 |
Sinwaho, India
Thomas Young |
Naval Brigade |
1857-11-1616 November 1857 |
Lucknow, India